Help build Compassionate Cymru in your area

Compassionate Cymru is about building communities in which everyday people play a stronger role in the care and support of people as they age and at the end of life. If you’re interested in making a compassionate community in your area, please get in touch with:

Toolkits for building a Compassionate Cymru locally

There are a few suggested toolkits that you can use to develop local groups and to help network with other groups. Here are some that you might want to read through. Of course you can also mix and match elements that might suit your particular requirements. We can advise you on how to make the best use of these toolkits.

Find out about what’s happening locally

Projects are taking place across Wales, but we are at the beginning of building a movement that supports communities the length and breadth of the nation.

You can connect with the following projects to find out more: