Ein tîm craidd

Lesley Bethell – Chair of Compassionate Cymru
I chair the steering group, and also represent patients and family carers on the End of Life Care Board. I have a background in qualitative health research, working in partnership with patients, service users and members of communities to co-produce outcomes which inform experience. I have reached an age where my own personal life has offered me the opportunity to experience many of the challenges that can arise around caring for those at the end of their lives. I am committed to the values of co-production, and compassionate communities and strive to make functioning and sustainable connections across disciplinary, policy, organisational and service boundaries.
John Moss – Strategic Co-ordinator for Compassionate Cymru
Rwy’n falch iawn fy mod wedi cael fy mhenodi’n rheolwr rhaglen strategol Macmillan Compassionate Cymru. Mae uchelgais, cyrhaeddiad a chwmpas y rhaglen yn aruthrol ac yn hynod gyffrous, gan weithio gyda nifer fawr o bartneriaid a sefydliadau, gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, Byrddau Iechyd, a sefydliadau’r trydydd sector. Ar ôl dioddef profedigaethau fy hun rwy’n gwybod pa mor bwysig yw gofal profedigaeth, felly mae hyn yn angerdd gwirioneddol i mi. Rwyf wedi bod gyda Gofal Profedigaeth Cruse ers bron i ddeng mlynedd, i ddechrau fel gwirfoddolwr yn cefnogi pobl mewn profedigaeth, yna fel gweithiwr fel cydlynydd ardal ar gyfer Gwent. Am yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, rwyf hefyd wedi bod ar secondiad rhan amser i Lywodraeth Cymru fel Arweinydd Profedigaeth, yn gweithio ar Fframwaith Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Cymru. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at weithio gyda’n gilydd a gwneud cysylltiadau fel y gallwn ni i gyd ddarparu Cymru Tosturiol.
Cath Thompson – Community Connector for Compassionate Cymru
I am the Compassionate Community Connector for Port Talbot, working with the local community, statutory services and third sector organisations to develop community initiatives for people approaching the end of their lives. I was a nurse for over 35 years working in a variety of disciplines, mostly with third sector organisations. I care deeply about people thinking, planning and talking about death and being able to participate fully in life right up until death. I have been fortunate to meet many people who have taught me the true meaning of compassion and know that as a community we can do so much more to show love and care for others.
Kimberley Jones – Macmillan Development Officer Action in Caerau and Ely (ACE)
As the Macmillan Development Officer for ACE, my role is to explore how community development approaches, such as asset based community development and coproduction, can be used to support those experiencing death, dying and bereavement. Meeting and working with people living in the South West Cardiff communities with real, lived experience is central to my approach and I am committed to building meaningful relationships which can inspire, facilitate and enable compassionate conversations, acts and projects to happen. I believe our communities already possess the qualities needed to become compassionate communities and through this project, we are able to nurture and develop these from the ground up.