End of Life Doulas
End of Life Doulas provide practical and emotional support to people with a life limiting illness and to the people important to them. We make death and dying all of our business by working alongside people in their communities, harnessing and co-ordinating the strengths and assets that exist in every person’s network.
We aim to help people feel more at peace with death and dying, giving guidance, instilling confidence, and creating an atmosphere of kindness, respect and dignity for all concerned.We focus on improving an individual’s experience at end of life by collaborating with other service providers; by co-ordinating and advocating on the person’s behalf or filling in the gaps in service provision. We work in peoples’ homes, as well as in hospices, hospitals, care and nursing homes, and our consistent and flexible presence contributes to the experience of death and dying being in line with the person’s wishes and preferences.
You can contact us via our website https://eol-doula.uk/ and we will respond quickly.